Saturday, April 28, 2007

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Tales from Spain

Our last ride on Friday was a 90 miler and considered to be Eurocycler's most scenic route. There was a moderate amount of climbing and, as always, stunning views that even after a week we still cannot believe. The weather all week was incredible. Mid-seventies and sunny so much that repeated use of sunscreen was required. We were lucky to not have rain or bad winds to hinder our riding adventures. Everyone was glad to be getting off their saddles after 5 days, almost 350 miles, 10,000 feet plus of elevation and more than 11,000 calories burned.

The few glitches aside (a missed flight and Dave never receiving his luggage, it's seems that it may be in Grenada), the group finished with flying colors and plans to return in 2008.

Many thanks to the folks at Eurocycler for a true cycling training camp/vacation. The guides- Dan, Amir, Olaf and Richard were wonderful, informative, tolerant and fun. Photographers/logistics specialists Andrea and Eddie were on top of things all week and hiding in the bushes to capture some great candid photos of our gang. To the non-English speaking, water providing SAG drivers, we say "danke". We were always grateful to turn a corner and see them waiting to refill our bottles.

If you love to ride your bike and want a truly international, incredible cycling experience, start planning now to join us next April.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Spain Update...

More news from Patty in Spain:

"Another great ride today - we did 65 miles with quite a bit of climbing. The weather is beautiful and the scenery is not to be believed!

Our last day is tomorrow; we set out on a 91 mile adventure that the guides consider their most scenic route. Can't wait!"

Thursday Night Ride...

Thursday Night Ride is a go at 6 PM!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Rest Day...

More news from Patty in Spain:

"Today we relaxed, no time on the bike.

Our group split into two; some went to the Dali Museum, others to downtown Tossa de Mar for lunch and shopping, returning home by glass bottom boat.

We are now preparing for tomorrow's 60 mile adventure..."

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Updates from Spain...Click for Video of Tuesdays ride!

Thanks to the wonders of modern communication we have some almost up to the minute updates from Patty at the EuroCycler training camp in lovely Gerona, Spain:

"Our long awaited journey to Spain has begun! After long lines and a hectic day of travel, we arrived at Club-Hotel Giverola, Tossa de Mar, Costa Brava, Espagne...We are thrilled to be here, but nervous with anticipation.

This resort is exclusively for athletes in training. There are people here from all over the world.

We enjoyed a wonderful dinner and settled into our apartments. We look forward to our first ride tomorrow. (Sunday)

Sunday. The 'Prologue' was 41 miles and a chance for us to get our feet wet in the mountains of Spain. The coaches use this day to assess rider abilities for future rides. We all had a great day and are all so excited that we talked over dinner about returning next year...

The scenery is unbelievable, the climbing is intense, and the weather is mid-70's and sunny!

Monday. We had another picture-perfect day - our 49 mile ride included 4000 feet of climbing. A much more difficult day and we all finished smiling.

Tuesday. They broke us into smaller groups today, as the length of the ride was 90 miles and they wanted to control the pace. That mileage at home wouldn't have been so daunting but in the mountains of Spain it took 6 hours to complete! We worked together, making sure that each of us stayed hydrated, fed and properly motivated.

It is an amazing revelation to find that drivers in Spain regard cyclists as equals on the road, even yielding to them in roundabouts and on mountain passes!

All the people here are wonderful, and all of the EuroCycler folks are very helpful and knowledgeable.

Tomorrow (Wed) is a rest day, and we are all looking forward to not being in the saddle."

Click on the post heading above to check out some video from Tuesdays ride...

Monday, April 16, 2007

Monday Night Ride Cancelled...

...Due to high winds and rain there will be no Monday Night Ride...seeya Thursday!

Friday, April 13, 2007

Cannondale 2007 SI Carbon Crank Recall...

Cannondale is recalling 2007 and newer road and mountain System Integrated 2-piece cranks (see examples below). The aluminum spindle of these cranks was incorrectly heat treated during the manufacturing process, which can lead to crankset failure. Cannondale has had no reports of injuries.

You can call Cannondale at 1-800-245-3872 for more information.

Included Bicycles and Included Framesets
2007 Six13 Team 1, compact and standard drive
Synapse SL SI
2007 Six13 Team 3, compact and standard drive
System 6 Team SI
2007 Synapse Carbon SL1, compact drive
CAAD9 Cyclocross SI
2007 Cyclocross CAAD9 SI1, compact drive
(All Carbon SI Cranksets)
2007 Ironman Six13 Slice 1, Carbon SI standard drive
2007 Taurine Carbon 1
2007 Rush Carbon 2
2008 System 6 Liquigas 3, compact and standard drive

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Kurt Vonnegut has died...

Nothing to do with bikes, but...I have been lucky enough to stumble across a few authors whose ideas and art have changed the way I see the world, and there are few things to rival that feeling...

Many were already dead when I discovered them...Gabriel Marcel, Soren Kierkegaard, Jack Kerouac, Bertrand Russell, Ezra Pound...

Some were still alive, like Hunter Thompson and, especially, Kurt Vonnegut.

When the author is living you hold out the selfish hope that more is more book, one more essay...

Now it is time to be thankful for the words that we already have. For those who may be unfamiliar with his work I humbly offer these suggestions:

Welcome To The Monkey House
Breakfast of Champions
Slaughterhouse Five
Fates Worse Than Death
A Man Without a Country

"1492. As children we were taught to memorize this year with pride and joy as the year people began living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America. Actually, people had been living full and imaginative lives on the continent of North America for hundreds of years before that. 1492 was simply the year sea pirates began to rob, cheat, and kill them."

Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions
US novelist (1922 - 2007)

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Friday, April 6, 2007

Saturday ride time... now 8 AM.


OK-now we have something in common with Arianna Huffington and Andrew Sullivan...a blog. (Woo and hoo!)

This is the place to check for info on upcoming shop rides...any schedule changes, cancellations or last minute additions will be listed here first.

We'll also feature info and pics on some of the latest and greatest goodies that comes our way, some web-only specials, and all the local cycling gossip that's fit to print...