Our store remodel is about to begin and we need to make some space!
Some of the great deals include:
All Cool Weather Clothing and Accessories, Buy 1 Get 1 Free!
CycleOps Magneto Trainer Regularly $245 ON SALE $150 (Save $95)
CycleOps Mag Trainer Regularly $160 ON SALE $110 (SAVE $50)
07 Specialized FSR XC Regularly $1200 ON SALE $999 (SAVE $201)
07 Specialized Allez Expert Regularly $2300 ON SALE $1700 (SAVE $600)
06 Transition S-Works Regularly $4700 ON SALE $2999 (SAVE $1701)The Fine Print
Not applicable to any previous sales
In stock items only (No special orders)
Buy 1, Get 1 items do not need to be like items (ie, buy gloves and get free booties, or buy a jacket get free tights.)
Item of lesser value is free with all Buy 1, Get 1 promotions.
Offers good on in-store purchases only.