Day 2 was shorter but with lots of climbing. We racked up 70 miles on our way to Yosemite. The scenery is amazing and I will post lots of pix when I get home. Post-ride, we splashed in a freezing river before settling in to Housekeeping Camp. I'm not a camper but I am really enjoying the experience as everyone here is bike crazy. The camp itself left a lot to be desired but the trees and rock face made it all better.
Day 3- today we rode through Yosemite until the rangers grabbed our sag vans and told us we had to get out. Something about delaying traffic. We got back on bikes just outside the gates at Tioga Pass and railed a 13 mile descent at speeds up to 62mph. I didn't go over 55 so I wouldn't get into trouble at home. The corners weren't tight so excessive speed was easy and safe. We rode into Mammoth to spend the night and we ride to Lone Pine tomorrow. Another 100 mile loop. It should be more flat but likely very windy. I'll keep ya posted.
Total miles for me thus far 236. ;)