Friday, September 16, 2011

The Ride to Vegas: Final Thoughts

To get this right, I need to start at the beginning: I had two weeks notice for this ride from Salt Lake City to Las Vegas. I always want to do these epic adventures, but two weeks? My family knows I thrive on this stuff, so they always support me no matter how unreasonable my request. Thank you so much Rich, Jim, Sophia, Henry, Susan, Mom, and Dad for encouraging my whims and taking care of business and family whilst I participate in these ventures. I always ask too much but you indulge my need for growth and adventure.

Thank you:
Nancy LaRocque, for organizing, inviting me and cat herding all week! You did an amazing job.
Nic Sims, for telling Nancy I'm good for a laugh, for pulling me untold amounts of miles and for always providing a silly face, story or gesture. Entertainment plus.
Glen Adams, for being my Voice of Reason when I thought the altitude would put me "in the van", for speaking so calmly while I panicked, for pushing my sorry self up a big climb at the expense of your much needed energy, and for acting like none of it required a thank you.
Simon Dunne, for constant encouragement and a wheel to draft that left me in a vacuum. You smiled all the way from SLC to LV. It didn't go unnoticed.
Kim Hughes, for entertaining me from the airport pick-up to the bar in Vegas. You added that much needed female touch to a mostly male endeavor.
Chris D'Alusio, for your constant kindness and understanding, and your amazing company up a 30
mile climb. I really enjoyed the opportunity to hang out and chat. I'd say I want to be you when I grow up, but we both know I'll never grow up.
Anthony Sinyard, for dragging me around, coming back to ride and chat with me when I was riding by myself, humoring me, and letting me share the margaritas!
Rebecca Rusch, for encouraging me to push harder and not just give in. For making me laugh everytime you call me PattyCakes and for all the fun side conversations post-ride. There are some things neither of us will ever understand!
Greg Martin, for similar encouragement, tolerating my incessant dinner chatter and for keeping me in the pace line.
John and Johnny from High Desert, for keeping me in stitches with your two-man stand-up act and friendly encouragement every step of the way.
Dan from Victory Velo and Shane of NorCal for looking around to make sure I was still in it and providing much needed friendly faces and kind comments when I was struggling the most. Knowing how strong you are, yet how compassionate you could be was a huge deal to me.
Doug Emerson from UBikes, it was like having an old friend to hang out with every day. We could compare how we were feeling and make a team decision on how to proceed. I can't imagine having done it without you.
Glenn Fant of NorCal, you speak with your legs. Your talent amazes and inspires me but the best part was watching you talk about your son. Your passion for cycling is secondary to your passion for family and that speaks volumes.
Ben Capron, you are always light hearted, smiling and fun to be around. Just being near you makes things better. Can't wait to get going on NICA with you. It's going to be awesome!
RaeLynn, my roommate, you are inspiring. It's amazing what you can do given what you've been through. Keep up the good work, sister!
Michael Robertson, photographer extraordinaire, your work is beyond compare. Sorry for the deer in the headlights! I enjoyed getting to know you better. Now, get to a doc who can help you and get back on your bike.
Mark, Mark, Simon, Tim and Noah of Western Spirit, you took such good care of us and cooked us the most delicious meals! I can't wait to plan a sweet mtb trip with y'all. You rock!
Patrick, Daniel and Robert, it was great riding with you both. Keep up the great work.

These types of challenges teach you what you are made of and give you the opportunity to forge bonds of friendship that will last a very long time. I truly appreciate the opportunity I was given and I hope that I contributed something to each of your experiences, as well.